Health Office
Medication at School
Students in grades 6-12, with parent/guardian written permission, may self medicate non-controlled substances. Prescribed medication must be in the pharmacy container, labeled with the child's name, medication, prescribing practitioner, and directions for use. Over-the-counter medications must be in the original manufacturer's container. Written permission from the parent/guardian must be carried by the student at all times.
Controlled substances, like medications prescribed for pain or ADD/ADHD, may not be carried by students and must be maintained and administered in the health office.
Students in grades K-12 may self medicate with prescribed medication for asthma or severe allergic reactions per NRS 392.425. A request to Authorize Students Self-Administration of Prescribed Medication for Asthma/Anaphylaxis (HS 96) must be completed by the parent/guardian AND licensed health care provider and returned to the health office.
Students who self-medicate are NOT monitored by the health office personnel or the school nurse.
Questions? Please contact the Health Office at 702-799-7800, ext. 4022
Tardy Policy
2023-24 LVA Tardy Policy
1st tardy: Warning - Recorded in Infinite Campus
2nd tardy: Warning - Recorded in Infinite Campus
3rd tardy: Notify Parents - Recorded in Infinite Campus
4th tardy: Notify Parents - Recorded in Infinite Campus
5th tardy: Warning to Parent of Insubordination
In-House Suspension for INSUBORDINATION on 6TH TARDY
Student Success Center
All students are expected to behave appropriately while at school during performances and during extracurricular activities. The essence of good discipline is respect; respect for others, respect for self, and respect for rules. This attitude, which begins at home, is reinforced at school and applied through life. In order to guarantee an excellent learning environment for all students, the following school-wide discipline policies have been adopted. In the classroom, no student will interfere with teacher instruction, another student’s learning, or engage in any behavior that is not in their best interest or in the best interest of others.
At LVA, we recognize and appreciate that the majority of our students conduct themselves in a positive and constructive manner at all times. Student are expected to exemplify the LVA Way. It is important that all students carefully read and become familiar with the rules and consequences so that there are no misunderstandings. Please remember school rules and expectations apply while at on-campus or off-campus school-related activities as well on the way to and from home. During online distance learning, school rules still apply.
When students engage in inappropriate behavior, they will be dealt with fairly and consistently. Students may be subject to a range of disciplinary actions based on the nature of the infraction, the number and types of behavioral referrals, and the frequency at which the student is referred for disciplinary action. This range includes, but is not limited to, student conferences, detentions, required parent conferences, formal suspensions, recommendation for placement in Behavioral Program, recommendation for expulsion, and/or arrest.
SB 269 – Senate Bill 269, effective on January 1, 2015, establishes new school attendance requirements for application of a learner's permit or driver's license and requires imposing administrative sanctions on students with poor attendance. As of January 1st, all students under the age of 18 who wish to apply for a learner's permit or driver's license must submit a completed DMV-301 form to the DMV office at the time of application. The DMV-301 requires a school official's signature verifying the applicant has attended at least 90% of the school days in the current semester. Students who do not meet the 90% attendance standard in the current semester will be unable to apply until the next semester, provided they have met the 90% standard during that semester. Students who have three or more unapproved absences may be deemed a habitual truant, issued a truancy citation, and suffer a suspension of their driver's license for three (3) months for the first offense and nine (9) months for the second offense. Students who do not have a valid driver's license will not be eligible to apply for a learner's permit or a driver's license, once they become eligible to apply, for thirty (30) days for the first offense and sixty (60) days for the second offense. Students who turn 18 during the suspension, will be required to complete the terms of the suspension before becoming eligible to apply for a learner's permit or driver's license.
Please contact ANNETTE Tekely for questions & assistance.
Closed Campus
Once a student arrives on campus, the student is to remain on campus until the end of the student’s school day. Students must remain on campus for lunch. Any student needing to leave campus during the school day must have parent permission and check out through the Charcter & Compliance/Counseling Office to receive a passport slip from school. Parents picking up their student are required to show a picture ID and sign the student out in the Character & Compliance Counseling Office or the Health Office.
Students who choose to leave campus without checking out in the appropriate office are classified as truant and will be suspended.
Parents/students who are interested in attending seminary during “Lunch & Learn” time must pick up, complete and return an application through the Character & Compliance Office.
Questions? Contact the Character & Compliance Office at 702-799-7800, ext. 4500.
LVA Behavior Expectations
Students and parents/guardians are required to review and discuss the student expectations outlined in the Student Handbook. Parents & students will receive a notice to any updates to the handbook in the weekly or morning announcements.
Updated - Student Cell Phone Use
Class time is for learning and practicing new knowledge and skills. Cell phone use is prohibited during instructional time without the permission of the teacher. Cell phones must be secured in a classroom device holder as instructed by the administration or instructor. Students may use their cell phones before school, during class transition time, "lunch and learn," and after school. School employees will confiscate any phone used by students without teacher permission during class time/instructional time, including going to the restroom, visiting an office, or anytime except listed above in bold. Parents may retrieve confiscated devices and students will be assigned progressive discipline through the Character and Compliance Office in the Main Building, 702-799-7800 ext. 4500.
CCSD Revised Student Code of Conduct
The purpose of this document is to familiarize stakeholders with specific behavior incidents and the
potential consequences of student behavior violations. Additionally, all employees of the Clark County School District will utilize the Clark County School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12 Student Code of Conduct while determining disciplinary outcomes for students. This document contains all of the individual discipline incident codes with the definitions, Infinite Campus/student accounting code, potential discipline resolution(s), related notes, and resources, if applicable, associated with each behavior incident.
LVA Dress Code
Please click on the button below for appropriate attire for LVA Students
LVA Required Student Identification Card
Please click on the button for the required LVA Student Identification Cards rules and consequences.