Dear Parents, Guardians, Students,
The Winter testing window for MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing in English and Mathematics starts on November 21, 2022, and involves all 9th and 10th-grade students. More information about the MAP testing can be found here: and
Students may prepare for the MAP test by logging into using the username: grow and password: grow.
Winter MAP scores are used for student course placements in academic subjects for the 2022-2023 school year. Benchmark scores for placements are as follows:
English & Social Studies placements: Reading MAP Test RIT Score: 230 for Honors/245 for AP
Math & Science placements: Math MAP Test RIT Score: 244 for Honors/AP
Please discuss with your child the importance of the MAP tests and doing their best. We anticipate students taking the Math MAP tests on November 21 & 22 and the English MAP tests on December 5 & 6, with makeup testing before December 12.
If you have any questions about the MAP testing, please get in touch with your child’s English or Math teacher or Sarah Robinson, assistant principal and testing administrator, at