Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
This week's Update is longer as it is filled with must-know and vital information for the school year.
The LVA Weekly Update can be found through student & parent email accounts, at https://secure.smore.com/n/eyxk7, and Accolades & News.
The Update includes information on:
This week's schedule
Parking changes
Student schedules and schedule changes
Student safety - Dropping off and picking up students
Bus transportation
Parent Funding Agreement
School safety - No Deliveries to students at School
2024-2025 Must know school expectations, policies, and procedures
C.R.E.W. Day [College Readiness Educational Workshops] for seniors
Senior Portraits
Upcoming Performances and Special Events
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact, Susan Thornton, Communications/Development Office at thorns@nv.ccsd.net