DWSS is partnering with the Nevada Department of Education to determine children who are automatically eligible for eligible for Summer EBT (S-EBT. Children enrolled in schools that participate in the National Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) during the 2023-2024 school year and were certified as eligible for these programs were the first to receive benefits beginning September 14, 2024.
In instances where a child and the primary guardian as indicated in the child’s school’s registration system for the 2023-2024 SY are matched to the same open and active DWSS, SNAP, or TANF case in the months of, August, July, and June 2024, S-EBT benefits were deposited on the household’s SNAP and or TANF EBT card.
Households that do not have an open and active DWSS, SNAP, or TANF case, can expect to receive their card mid-October due to processing and mailing times. Eligible families will receive $40 per month per eligible child for the summer months of June, July, and August 2024, when children lose access to free and reduced-cost meals totaling $120 per student. This program is projected to benefit over 350,000 Nevada children. Unlike previous pandemic benefits, children must income-qualify for the S-EBT program.
Attached are flyers and other information to this email for families who may be eligible for the program.
Students who did not automatically receive benefits but may be eligible can apply beginning last Friday, September 20, 2024 through November 30, 2024. Please note, that parents will need to first search for their child in our S-EBT web portal to see if their student already received a benefit. If they do not, the portal will give them an option to apply.
Parents can use the link below to the S-EBT web portal to check their child’s eligibility and apply for S-EBT.
If parents have questions about the program contact the S-EBT Customer Service line at (702) 486-9640, South, or (775) 684-8740 Northern or visit the DWSS website which contains information for the program https://dwss.nv.gov/SNAP/Summer_Electronic_Benefit_Transfer_(S-EBT)_Program/.
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